The Salvation Army Foundation has taken it upon themselves to continuously remind us of this ongoing battle through their compelling campaign titled "Some battles deserve an army."

The collaborative effort behind this campaign involved an extensive two-week reportage, where Creative Director Alexandra Mercuri with war photo reporter Lorenzo Meloni immersed himself in the lives of those who are most vulnerable in our society.

This dedication to showcasing their daily struggles and triumphs has resulted in a series of captivating campaign visuals that highlight the humanity behind these battles.

Each photograph serves as a poignant reminder that there are countless individuals who face adversity on a daily basis and are in need of our support.


Am Studio Paris joined forces with Magnum photo member, Lorenzo Meloni, to lift the veil on the numerous actions of the Salvation Army Foundation for its national 2019 Campaign.

“Some battles deserve an army" brought to life 6 campaign visuals to show an "army" in action with the most fragile of all battlefields, vulnerability, poverty, and social exclusion.